
Philosophy and Art Criticism

The philosophy of art and art criticism have essentially different concerns.
Art criticism is a form of rhetoric, in which the critic works to get viewers to see things his way.
Philosophy has a different, deeper concern, describing the world as it really is.
- David Carrier
- Art: Key Contemporary Thinkers, Berg, UK, 2007, p.116
"藝術哲學與藝術評論有根本上的不同; 藝評提供自我觀點,
然而, "闡述這世界的實際樣貌, 則是藝術更深遠的哲學真諦."
衍生之, 觀賞者必先覺察創作者是立基於:

內容與形式的誇飾 抑或 藝術表現的本質探索,
方能決定藝術家的視野高度, 思想深度, 與其作品的價值.